Yes, This Is Actually Going To Happen…

The Heisenberg Corollary came back from the editor last month–and I’ve been super busy making final edits and tweaks to the manuscript. I finished the changes my editor suggested–but in the process got wound up in a cascade of additional ideas that kept dogging at my creative heels and begging for attention. I kept thinking, “just one more change, just a minor revision…”

I realized quickly that I could have kept working those “last few” changes indefinitely–working and worrying over the manuscript, over and over, for a benefit that most likely only I would recognize.

So I stopped. I saved the word doc, shipped a backup to Dropbox, and opened Kindle Create.

The book is done, as far as the words on the page are concerned.

So… now I get to scale a whole new learning curve as I figure how KDP works and how to format a MOBI and how to set up a Facebook ad that won’t bankrupt me. A lot to know. A lot to do.

But it’s all happening. And I expect the next time you hear from me it will be to announce the release date! Not quite there yet–but it will be soon. Very soon.