Exciting Update!

Wow–those time differentials are a bear. 

It’s been a while since my last update. Part of that has been because life, the universe, and everything has made my world a lot busier than it was a year or so ago. But a larger part of my silence has been because I was beginning to feel like I’d been overpromising and underdelivering with the completion of the next book. Consequently, I made a conscious decision to lay off until I actually had something you’d want to know. 

So–here it is: the first draft of The Deadly Analogues is FINISHED. It was WAY harder to write than I could have possibly imagined, but I’m really happy with the result, and I can’t wait to share it with you! 

There’s still work to do before it’s ready to launch… my first few rounds of edits and revisions, running it past my beta readers (more on that in a second), more editing and revising, then sending it to my pro editor for finishing touches, then production/layout, blah, blah, blah. 

No official release date yet, but I’m spitballing for early March ’23 at this point. When I know, you’ll know. 

Yeah–I said beta readers. 

I will need beta readers to offer their feedback on the early draft, and I’ll need them soon. Yup, this is real. It’s actually happening. I don’t know exactly when yet, but once I have the draft where it needs to be the specifics hashed out on which platform it’ll be on, I’ll be sending out invites! 

So stay tuned… in the coming months for release updates, sneak previews, and a cover reveal!