About C. H. Duryea


C. H. Duryea is a writer and educator and a life-long sci-fi and fantasy geek. Although he’s been a writer most of his life, it’s only been in the last few years that he’s started to share the worlds of his mind with the world of the rest of us. He has published three short stories, is a founding member of New England Speculative Writers, and a curating editor of the upcoming NESW anthology, The Final Summons. He released The Heisenberg Corollary, the first novel in the Slagmaster Cycles in 2019. The second book in the series, The Deadly Analogues, is coming in late 2021. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife.

Check out his memoir-in-progress, The Harrison Files, about his coming-of-age days in 80s Southern California!