News From The Multiverse

It’s September and the video of that Earth Wind and Fire song is making the rounds on social media. The beginning of another school year has locked my schedule back into its old teacher routine and, although the writing has been coming, the progress has been… well, not what I would have liked considering we’re coming up on 90 days since the release of The Heisenberg Corollary.

Which is not to say it’s not progressing! I’m 12,000 words in and (mostly) done with the first act! I’m not going to drop any spoilers, but the new installment is opening up with some good, rollicking action, showing the newly minted Slagmasters coming into their powers. Four words: Spacequakes and Time Tornadoes. I’ll just leave that there.

Although still snarky and fun, The Deadly Analogues will venture into darker territory, as problems and unforeseen consequences arise resulting from actions and unresolved plot threads from Book 1. So–it might not feel as much like Firefly as it might like… THIS.

So now I’m plotting Act 2 and looking forward to diving into the fray once more. I’ll keep you posted as things progress!