The Wait is OVER…

I couldn’t put it off any longer. The Heisenberg Corollaryis finally available on Amazon. It’s been a long, hard road to get here, but it has arrived. It feels a bit surreal.

To celebrate the release, I’m making The Heisenberg Corollaryavailable for the discounted price of .99for a short time, before it goes up to its regular price of 4.99. Grab yours today!

The print edition will be ready in a few weeks.

Early feedback has been great:

This is going to be epic… Read it all on my phone last night and am begging you for more! Way to go!

…the story was really enjoyable. As a reader, I wouldn’t hesitate to read a book 2.

[Your book does] what few books and movies do: make the reader continue the world in their imagination. The reader imagines what they would do, or what the other parts of the story might be if they were written. Your book does that. 

I applaud you for getting this epic tale written and look forward to reading the continuing slagmaster saga!

I really want this launch to make a splash–and I really can’t do that without you. I realize that we all have loads of back reading on our devices and on our nightstands. Even if you’re reading something else at the moment, buying The Heisenberg Corollarynow at the special launch price and adding it to your To Read pile will mean that the purchase counts towards the ranking and will make it much more likely that we can really make a noise with this launch. And then you’ll have the opening adventure of Zeke Travers and his crew on your device and ready for your summer vacation…

I hope you love the book. It was certainly a blast to write. Let me know what you think… and please please consider leaving a review on Amazon, Goodreads, etc. It’s one of the best ways you can support my work as a writer.

Yes, This Is Actually Going To Happen…

The Heisenberg Corollary came back from the editor last month–and I’ve been super busy making final edits and tweaks to the manuscript. I finished the changes my editor suggested–but in the process got wound up in a cascade of additional ideas that kept dogging at my creative heels and begging for attention. I kept thinking, “just one more change, just a minor revision…”

I realized quickly that I could have kept working those “last few” changes indefinitely–working and worrying over the manuscript, over and over, for a benefit that most likely only I would recognize.

So I stopped. I saved the word doc, shipped a backup to Dropbox, and opened Kindle Create.

The book is done, as far as the words on the page are concerned.

So… now I get to scale a whole new learning curve as I figure how KDP works and how to format a MOBI and how to set up a Facebook ad that won’t bankrupt me. A lot to know. A lot to do.

But it’s all happening. And I expect the next time you hear from me it will be to announce the release date! Not quite there yet–but it will be soon. Very soon.