Pre-Production News!

3d-mockupWe are almost there, y’all! The Heisenberg Corollary is finally off to the editor! After a couple of reading and note-taking rounds, followed by beta-reading reading courtesy of (and some wonderful readers who were very generous with their time and insights), I got the manuscript to a fairly respectable second draft.

After that, it was time to do some editor shopping. I’d never done this before, so it was somewhat daunting. There are so many, offering such a wide variety of services, it was educational just learning about the spectrum of editing options available to an independent author. Everything from high-end, top-dollar, soup-to-nuts professionals on reedsy to bargain-basement freelancers on fiverr. I test-drove several and ultimately went with one within my (nearly non-existent) budget, whose client and title list felt like a good match with my material.

I expect to get the edits back in the next few weeks. Hopefully, things will move quickly after that. I hope to actually announce a release date the next time you hear from me!